Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Primary Primary Primary!!

 These were the 4 questions I asked.From this individual she described herself as a dark skinned girl.And that she was not aware of this particular issue in the black community.Perhaps she had not experience it first hand.However she had heard there was a problem.Also that the role models in the media can be both negative and positive.But it just depends who they are influenced by.She then went on the answer that there were some negative and positive issues with the different complexion models being represented on our television screen.

This girl also described herself as light skinned,but only because she was told by other people.She was aware of the complexion issues in the black community.She answers that she does not see why people feel they have to change there colour of their skin.Also stating that she felt there was some negative influences in the media,but the majority were seen as positive.However did not feel that there were not enough dark skinned models in the media.She felt that that dark skinned models are not seen as much in the media as light skinned models.

I gave out further questionnaires 3 people were aware of the complexion issues in the black community also going on to say that lighter skinned people are more favoured and feel that they are better than darker skinned people.A person went as far as saying that 'Black is seen as ugly'.Hmm she seems to have very strong believes.However it was good to see the different opinions and ideologies people have.

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